Birds of paradise

Aves del paraíso




Ruscus Israeli

Imagen muestra

Flores Santillana S.A.S

25 years ago, and from a handful of seeds, we started a fascinating learning process that has allowed us to improve and grow, which led us in 2014 to merge efforts and found FLORES SANTILLANA. Today we are proud to know that we are, among others, the largest producers in Antioquia of Birds of Paradise, being also one of the largest in Colombia.

We are an agricultural company dedicated to FLORICULTURE, specialized in the production and marketing of BIRDS OF PARADISE (Strelitzia Reginae), HYDRANGEAS (hydrangea macrophilla) and Ruscus Aculeatus. We are located in rural Antioquia, with more than 14 hectares of own crops in the municipalities of La Unión and Rionegro, for distribution mostly in North America, and in smaller but growing quantities to the Arabian Peninsula.

These achievements have been made possible thanks to the effort and dedication of our most valuable resource; our employees; people from the region who with their hands sow, prune, fertilize, harvest, pack and dispatch, guaranteeing products of the highest quality.

In FLORES SANTILLANA, we remain present as a company, taking care of our planet, our people and our society, together, to build a better tomorrow.


High quality
Best price
Direct from our crops

Do you have any concerns or comments?

If you want any information we will be happy to provide it. You can send us your question through our contact form.